SP joins Revival Radio on Bassdrive.com

Big things happening around Subliminal HQ in the past few months!

Not only has SP been busy with Subliminal Messages, but he’s also working with Rubik Records – assisting with A&R, art design and some of the ‘back end’ aspects of the label, as well as taking on the design duties of the BassdriveTunes label. On Sunday, our friend Jon Methodus – the host of Bassdrive.com’s Revival Radio and one of SP’s oldest friends and DJ partners – announced that SP will be taking over as the co-host of the show.

Revival Radio, now in its 5th year of broadcast on Bassdrive, is a show that spawned from Methodus’ Transit Radio, which evolved from the partnership the two had previously on Illectronic Radio, and an earlier version of Subliminal Messages from years back.

SP will be taking on hosting duties on a bi-weekly basis, rotating with Methodus. The show itself will not make any major format changes; you can still expect the best in drum & bass every Sunday – no matter who the host that week is.

Revival Radio airs on Bassdrive.com every Sunday from 2-4pm Eastern. SP’s first show will be this Sunday, February 26.

  1. #1 by Corby on May 30, 2012 - 10:48 pm

    Been looking to download the first Bassdrive session from Feb as it was off the charts. Where can I find it?


    Atlanta GA

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    • #2 by SP on June 17, 2012 - 1:21 pm

      My first Revival Radio show was the 26th of February… is that what you’re referring to? Or are you looking for the Bassdrive Sessions Miami LIVE show (from March / WMC)?
      Either way, I can link you up. Just let me know.

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